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Are You Sabotaging Your Career Progression? 7 Common Mistakes Holding Women Leaders Back

Are you unknowingly sabotaging your career progression? Discover these 7 mistakes that might be holding you back. Over the last few years, I’ve been fortunate enough to support the most wonderful female leaders from all around the world including Ireland, UK, US, Europe and even Australia to progress their careers and improve balance through my coaching programs and membership 3SIXTY Leaders Club. As a result of this, I’ve spoken with countless women in corporate leadership over the past few years and as you can imagine, I’ve seen a lot of trends between those who excel and those who struggle. And…


How to Advocate For Yourself At Work with Selena Rezvani

In today’s competitive business world as a female in leadership, one skill stands out as crucial for career success and balance — advocating for yourself in the workplace. And in order to break free from the good girl syndrome and really own who you are, you need to overcome the discomfort that often comes with advocating and standing up for yourself. That’s why I am excited to introduce my fantastic guest and honestly one of the people I look up to, Selena Rezvani and her mission is to help women carve out paths to leadership through advocating and standing up…


6 Surprisingly Common Challenges Stopping Many Women In Leadership From Reaching Their Full Potential

Ever wondered what’s secretly blocking your female talent from reaching their full potential? In the world of corporate leadership, women often face difficult challenges, especially as they progress from associate director or senior manager roles to higher positions like director or beyond. Having worked primarily with women in senior corporate leadership, some people call me a ‘unicorn’ because I’m one of those empathic and heart-centred people, but I’m also a badass in business, if I do say so. I have witnessed a lot of women in leadership accelerate their career progression, without burning themselves out and there are ways we…


5 Strategies to Handle a Defensive Team Member With More Ease and Less Frustration

Are you dealing with a defensive team member? Then you DO NOT want to miss this episode. As a female leader, handling performance issues with a team is the most common challenge we face. The need to provide constructive feedback often leads to difficult conversation and sometimes, things don’t go as smoothly as planned. Conflict among team members can have a negative effect on everyone. It has a negative effect on productivity, morale, and overall well-being. As a result, not only does it have a huge influence on the team, but it will also be frustrating for you as their…


The Secrets to Architecting Your Career While Maintaining Balance as a Female Leader with Catherine Doyle

Have you ever wondered if you can REALLY be successful while also maintaining the balance? Believe me, I used to work as a leader in the corporate world for 20 years. I know the battle. Being a female leader with a big title within a big organisation, managing multiple responsibilities is a delicate balance, especially when juggling the roles of a warm-hearted-family-oriented individual and a career-driven woman. It can feel overwhelming and the pressure to architect our career is real and it does not have to be this way. So that’s why in this week’s episode I am delighted to…


5 Powerful Questions To Clarify Your Leadership Career Goals for 2024 [*MUST LISTEN*]

Are you clear on your career goals for 2024? If not, this episode of the The 360 LeadHERship Podcast will be a game changer for you. I was having a conversation with a friend of mine the other day, we were just talking about how much success we both created in a short space of time. We chatted about how life isn’t a dress rehearsal and we  don’t get a second shot. We were also discussing how lack of career clarity can be a big challenge for many people, which stops them from progressing in leadership careers. This prompted me…


How to be Happier at Work in 2024 with Aoife O’Brien

Is happiness at work REALLY possible? As we step into January, the festive glow starts to fade, the reality of returning to work can feel a bit gloomy as we start on another year of hustle and bustle. The initial joy of Christmas balls and celebrations is replaced by the realisation of – How will we survive another year in this rat race? And that’s why this week’s episode I am excited to introduce our fabulous guest Aoife O’Brien. Aoife, the founder of Happier at Work HQ, a passionate advocate for creating the right work environment that not only increases…


Driving home for Christmas with The Fabulous Pharmacist, Laura Dowling

Is there anything like logging off for Christmas? Knowing you and your team are done and you can switch off- FINALLY! The cosy traditions, the smell of delicious meals, and the excitement of being with loved ones—it’s truly magical. But for some, it can also be a challenging time. If you find Christmas tough, I see you and I’m sending love. And if you’re mid last minute gift shopping and feeling the pressure, I see you too! That’s why I’m so excited to present you episode 104 of The 360 LeadHERship podcast, with my special guest, Laura Dowling, aka The…


10 Must-Do Tasks Before You Log Off for Christmas As a Woman in Leadership

Are you ready for Christmas Break? Here are 10 must do tasks so you feel organised and on top of things. Family is one of my biggest values and Christmas itself has a particular place in my heart. I absolutely love the season. I love cooking, having my family over, having my candles lighting, christmas movies..I love it all! BUT before we get to the turkey and ham and the champagne.. Work needs to be finished! That is why in this episode I am sharing ten things I do every year before I log off for christmas. Everyone is tired,…




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