Ireland's #1 Career Podcast & Top 10% Globally with tens of thousands of downloads and hundreds of 5 star reviews on Apple Podcasts & Spotify. It's time for you to tune in too.


All Podcast Episodes

How to Successfully Negotiate a Higher Salary at Work

Do you go blank when it comes to using your voice and negotiating your salary as your responsibility grows? Negotiating your salary can be intimidating, especially as your responsibilities grow and as an executive coach, I’ve witnessed firsthand how challenging it can be for women to overcome money mindset blocks and imposter syndrome when it comes to asking for what they deserve! As I wanted to progress in my business, and in my career, I learned that in order to become something and in order to accelerate your success, your value, and how you feel about yourself, it’s really  important…


5 Essential Strategies to Keep Your team on Track While You’re Out of Office

Ever find it hard to switch off fully and trust that your team is on track even when you are away?? Switching off from work can be a real challenge, especially when you’re on holiday Recently, I was getting ready to jet off to Dubai on holidays with my family and it got me thinking about how to truly disconnect and recharge. One thing I’ve learned is that it’s not just about physically being away from work; it’s also about mentally disconnecting from work and fully immersing oneself in the present moment. That’s why I decided to record this episode…


How to Conquer Imposter Syndrome in Leadership

Are doubts holding you back as a leader? In the fast-paced and often demanding world of corporate leadership, there’s a lot of challenges that women can face that can really erode our confidence. Now, let’s talk about imposter syndrome – a topic that is near and dear to my heart and it’s something I’m intimately familiar with, having walked that road myself many times over. It’s not a term I would have understood many years ago but here’s the deal: imposter syndrome is just your mind playing tricks on you, trying to keep you in your comfort zone. It’s that…


Juggling Homework and Home-Office: A Parent’s Guide to Balancing Work and Family

Are you struggling to balance work and family life? Balancing the demands of a career and family can feel like trying to spin plates while walking a tightrope. Especially if, like many of us, you’re working from home with kids in tow. It’s a challenge that can leave you feeling like you’re constantly falling short, wondering if you’re giving your best at work, as a parent, and in managing your home. Aside from the big title and role you have in the professional world, I am also just a mother of 3 so I know firsthand the struggle of trying…


Powerful Meditation: Guiding You to Switch-Off and Shutdown From Work

Ever wished for a switch-off button after work? I’ve got a little something that will guide you to peacefully switch off and rejuvenate. If you’re a woman in leadership, you probably know the drill – juggling so many balls, back-to-back meetings, fully booked schedules, and drowning in an avalanche of emails. By the time you step through your front door in the evening, there are a lot of unresolved issues waiting for you. Does this relate with you? Because if you said yes, you are not alone. That’s why in this week’s episode, I’m doing something a little different. I’m…


Beyond Stereotypes: 5 Ways To Achieve True Inclusion for Women in the Workplace

Ever wondered how we can break free from stereotypes and achieve true inclusion for women at work? Let’s explore 5 game-changing ways! It’s International Women’s Day week, and I am a big advocate for it. It’s essential to celebrate women and raise awareness about gender equality, and equity.  Now, let me be real with you—I used to cringe a bit at discussions around gender differences. I never saw myself as different to a man, I never saw myself as being less powerful or more powerful. I was kind of raised to be in control and to make sure I was…


Career Progression Formula: 11% Pay Raise, Headcount Approval, and Boss’s Successor in Under 6 Months

Wondering how to get the recognition and opportunities you deserve? While it’s common to blame companies for the gender pay gap, it’s essential to acknowledge our own worth and embrace a mindset shift and in my experience working with ambitious women in leadership positions, I’ve seen firsthand the remarkable impact of positive mindset and confidence in reshaping careers and lives. That’s why on this week’s episode, I share another inspiring story from one of my star clients who applied all the tools and strategies I taught her. She did the mindset work, stepped out of her comfort zone, worked on…


Breaking Through to Senior Director within 22 Days With Confidence

Are you struggling to break through to the next level at work? Having worked with countless women in leadership roles over the last number of years there’s one common theme I see that holds women back from reaching their potential – their own confidence. Why is it that as women despite our education achievements and ambitions we often still don’t feel we’re good enough? Is it society? maybe it’s in our internal beliefs? or a combination of both. Regardless, the only way to break through to your next level of success is to work on your mindset.Own your worth. Believe…


How an 8k Investment Transformed My Life

Ready to discover how an 8k investment changed my life? As we celebrate the week of love, some people see it as a Hallmark card holiday but I actually think it’s really a nice time to show other people that you care. Valentine’s Day isn’t just all about romance—it’s an opportunity to connect inward with self-love and what does self care and self love really mean? To me, that means investing in yourself and showing yourself the same love you give to everyone else. And this prompted me to record this week’s episode, sharing the importance of investing in yourself….




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