#139 The Number 1 Thing You Need To Build Confidence at Work [Must Listen]

The 360 Leadhership Podcast, Episode 139, 21 August 2024 by Lucy Gernon

Do you ever doubt  your capabilities as a leader?

You are successful for a reason. 

You would not be where you are today if you were not competent and an expert within your field, right?

People rely on you and respect your opinion on different aspects of the job and you have received countless amounts of positive feedback  in your year end reviews.

Yet despite this, you doubt yourself, your abilities and find it hard to manage the negative voice in your head.

Research reveals that comfort zones, while providing a sense of safety, are often the biggest barriers to reaching our full potential. 

But what if you could break free from those invisible chains? Imagine what you could achieve if you stepped out of your comfort zone and fully embraced the leader you were meant to be.

Which is exactly why today, I will be sharing with you the #1 thing you need to hear to build confidence and work and one powerful action for you to take right now!

In today’s episode, you’ll learn

  • The real reason you lack confidence despite your professional success.
  • Why your male colleagues ooze confidence while you’re stuck on the sidelines
  • The essential piece of information you need to hear to achieve your career goals with confidence
  • Your next step: An exciting invitation for you to develop this further

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